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Planning Board Minutes 4/22/10
Meeting opened: 7:07
Planning Board Meeting Minutes April 22nd, 2010
Members Present: Steven Enoch, Bridget Krans, Maggie Leonard, Larry Klein, Alan Solomon, Steve Rose
Public Present: Chris Tryon for Kelly Parson and Granger and Barry Karson whom is running for a seat on the Planning Board at the May election.
  • Form A : Chris Tryon( from Kelly Parson and Granger)  represented Bridget and Jacob Krans who are purchasing a 1,000 square foot piece of property from Karen Allen the abutter to insure that they are within the setbacks when construction a 22’ by 24’ garage. Bridget recused herself due to the fact that it involved her. Steve Rose made a motion to recommend approving the plan, Alan seconded it and it was unanimously approved. The board signed the plans and Kelly Parson and Granger submitted a check for $75.00. The normal fee schedule is $40.00. Maggie will contact Mr. Parsons to clarify with him and to get a new check for the correct amount.
  • Previous meeting minutes: March 25th meeting minutes approved as written. April 8th meeting minutes approved as written.
  • Telecommunications Bylaw: Maggie spoke with the Great Barrington town planner regarding their wireless bylaw. Great Barrington has a list of areas that they deemed acceptable as to where towers could go. The town planner mentioned that some were not voted in as of yet. They have two currently. One on Fairview Hospital and one on WSBS. Some designated areas are property on Long Pond Road, Berkshire Heights, The Transfer Station, Butternut tower, and Vosper Hill. Maggie stated that she had not found anything definitive that stated because Mt. Wilcox was state land it meant that we could not use it for a cell tower.  The board is going to continue to research the options with the help of Berkshire Regional Planning. The board has discussed various location possibilities such as Mt. Hunger, Chestnut Hill and Camp Keswick. The board decided that it is important that we research the area for the towers so that it either benefits Monterey the most or so that multiple towns could work together to obtain service. Maggie is going to obtain a map of South Counties existing towers or if there are any plans in surrounding towns regarding cell towers. Larry felt that all of Monterey could probably be covered using state land. Steve Rose will contact New Marlborough; Maggie felt that Otis and Sandisfield were important places to contact. Tyringham is mostly covered by the Turnpike. Maggie will also contact Berkshire Regional Planning to see if they have the information as to possible cell tower locations in various towns.
  • Mail Opened: Highland Happenings mailing opened from Trustees of the Reservation.
  • Meeting adjourned: 8:10
  • Submitted by Bridget Krans